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Vacation Bible School, but more often!

I'm happy to announce that we'll be adding a new series of classes here at Crescenza. I just got off the phone with one of our studio teachers, Wanda (okay, it's my mom), and we are excited about all of the plans she has for this year.

A bit of backstory: my mom is the best party-thrower and the best children's church teacher of all time. Don't just ask me; ask anyone who has ever been in one of her classes. God has gifted her a way of connecting with children on a level that is beyond me. I do well with young children one-on-one, but not in groups. I leave that to other people! I still remember my Kindermusik days, and coming home with a weekly headache after two hours of putting a big, plastic smile on my face. Not for me. But my mom is a natural!

She is planning stories, songs, games, activities, and probably prizes too! Seriously, every week of children's church growing up was like going to a party. Today she told me about some of the games and props she will be using, and it sounds amazing. It really does sound like a hand-crafted vacation Bible school, and who knows? Maybe we'll have a bunch of classes back to back in the summer to make it legit.

The variety of things she is planning reminds me of something I learned just yesterday. Did you know that more learning takes place when there are higher levels of dopamine in our system? Happiness, silliness, fun - all of these things can help your children soak everything in. I hope you'll give these classes a try! I don't know how soon she'll be ready, but if her excitement level is anything to judge by, it will be soon!

Not sure how much she'll charge yet, but she told me today that she isn't planning to make any money for herself. She just wants enough to keep putting it back into the classes and making them the best they can be! Of course, I think she deserves a little something for all her hard work, so we'll figure it out. I'll let you know when we do!

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