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A Prompt Disguised

I'm thinking about teaching a class centered on my book A Prompt Disguised (available on Amazon). It would be another creative-writing class, but it's not at all the same as my multi-sensory class. I would be developing this class as I go, and recording classes in order to offer an online option. This book was actually written with adults in mind, especially those that are in the middle of writing a work of fiction and need some fresh ideas. However, it can easily be geared towards homeschoolers, just like my other classes. I'm including the link to some of my disguised prompts. Of course, I will have to adapt a few of them for classroom use, but the original prompt will still be encouraged! I think any middle-schooler through adult could take this class and find some inspiration! Let me know if there is an interest in this class. Not sure when I would give it - possibly over the summer. My essay class will also be given over the summer, but we only meet twice for that one, and the rest is online, so I think I could squeeze it in!

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